Evide Sonnant Extra 1196™ - Singing Hollowed 6/8"
일자 면도기 초급 또는 중급 모델
- Singing Hollowed razors - the finest grind and thinnest blades
- 단조된 100 % carbon steel - C135 (1884년 이래 사용된 세계 최고 수준 스틸 소재)
- 양면 satin polished 처리 - 275
- 노즈 형태 - Round only
- 블레이드 폭 - 6/8" (20mm)
- Tang 하단 부위 미끄럼 방지 문양
- 전기 화학처리된 블랙 블레이드 마크 - "Evide Sonnant Extra"
- Tang 마크 - THIERS-ISSARD™ 1196 ™ 음각
- 핸들 소재 (사진 순서대로) - black celluloid, white celluloid, luxury tortoise shell imitation, basic tortoirse shell imitation, green stamina, red stamina, ebony, walnut, blue jeans micarta, kingwood, bocote, boxwood, satinwood, spotted oak, cedar, real snakewood, olivewood, real bone, real black cow horn tip, real blond cow horn tip, black mustache, black mechanism, white mechanism, barber, dandy, compostelle
- 바로 면도가 가능한 Shave-ready 상태로 제공
- 검은 색 양가죽 파우치 제공
- THIERS-ISSARD 인쇄된 white cardboard box 제공
- 제품 안내서 제공
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Evide Sonnant Extra 1196™ - Singing Hollowed 6/8"
일자 면도기 중급 사용자용
- Forged from 100 % carbon steel C135
- 275 both sides satin polished
- Round nose only
- Anti-slip jimps on lower side of the tang
- Black mark in electro-chemical blade THIERS-ISSARD™ on tang
- Sign hollow for reference 1196 ™ on tang
- These singing completely hollowed razors are for all use and represent the finest grind and thinnest blades that we make.
- In black soft calf leather pouch
- Handles : White plastic, black plastic, luxury tortoise shell imitation, basic tortoirse shell imitation, green stamina, red stamina, ebony, walnut, blue jeans micarta, kingwood, bocote, boxwood, satinwood, spotted oak, cedar, real snakewood, olivewood, real bone, real black cow horn tip, real blond cow horn tip, black mustache, freemason, black mechanism, white mechanism, barber, dandy, compostelle
- All our razors are shave-ready
- All our razors are packed in a leather pouch
- in a printed "THIERS-ISSARD" white cardboard box with instructions for use
Always thoroughly dry our razors after use and ensure that they are free from moisture (blade and handle) when storing them. Indeed, our blades are made from 100 % carbon steel which is the best quality steel but does rust if not kept dry. For occasional use, the blade should be covered with vaseline.